10 things-multiple exposure

  1. A DSLR on manual settings set from 2 to 10 or bulb exposure. This is to make sure your camera lighting is right.
  2. Take it somewhere dark. This is to make your subject stand out more in the picture.
  3. A tripod. To make sure it is still and doesn’t have any extra movements in the picture.
  4. A human subject. Because you need something that moves.
  5. A manual flash. You need a flash so you can see the subject when the picture is taken.
  6. A aperture between f/8 and f/16 to get the best results.
  7. Use a light meter or manually calculate the exposure to match your aperture.
  8. Explain to your subject how to move and when so they know what they’re doing before you start.
  9. Don’t put to many movements into the photo because it can end up looking messy.
  10. Practice so you can get the perfect picture that you want.